As one of the world's
earliest major and long-lived civilizations, ancient Egypt left a legacy of
important innovations, discoveries, and contributions that have affected
humankind over the millennia. The ancient Egyptian religion survived for
thousands of years. Over that time, revisions were made to religious texts, the
powers of certain gods waxed and waned, some deities were combined, and some
even fell completely out of favor. Yet out of that ancient religion survived a
basic belief in a good and moral life on earth as a major means of attaining an
afterlife, a concept that is reflected in most modern religions. The brief
period of religious reform associated with the pharaoh Akhenaton, known today
as the Amarna period, introduced the world to a belief in a single god.
Akhenaton's doctrines may have been the impetus for the monotheistic religion
developed by the Hebrews that surfaced in the Middle East shortly thereafter.
It, in turn, gave rise to Christianity.
Ancient Egypt and modern
Egypt are separated by a long period of time, a different language, and
distinct concepts and beliefs. Nevertheless, scholars have suggested that the
roots of some Arabic folktales may stretch back to ancient Egypt. Some modern
Egyptian phrases and proverbs may also have originated in the ancient language.
Certain ancient religious concepts and imagery survive in the Coptic Church, a
Christian church that still exists in Egypt today. These concepts and imagery
include the Virgin suckling the infant Jesus, based on ancient Egyptian images
of Isis and her son Horus; the crux ansata, a Coptic cross derived from
the ankh, the ancient Egyptian word for life; and an association of the four
evangelists with the four sons of Horus.
Literacy may have been
limited to a small percentage of the population, but the large quantity of
written material that survives indicates the importance of the written word to
the ancient Egyptians. Their hieroglyphs may well represent humankind's
earliest attempt to write. The ancient Egyptians developed the use of writing
on papyrus, the product of a native plant of the same name that they processed.
Many of their documents were used for teaching purposes, and they produced
manuals with model letters for apprentice scribes.
Some of the mathematical
texts taught the finer points of arithmetic, geometry, and even word problems,
and are not unlike modern primers. These and other texts indicate that the
ancient Egyptians understood and could add fractions and could even find the
area of a trapezoidal pyramid. Without the advanced mathematics they
originated, the ancient Egyptians would not have been able to build the
pyramids and other large structures.
Medical papyri taught
physicians how to deal with both internal medicine and surgery, and there were
texts devoted to pharmaceutical remedies, dental procedures, and veterinary
medicine. These papyri represent some of the earliest known texts on these
Religious texts recorded
and preserved the major tenets of Egyptian beliefs. Literary papyri cover a
broad range of genres, from epics, love poetry, and wisdom literature
(selections from which are the ancestors of some biblical proverbs) to
political propaganda, satire, comic stories, and drama (perhaps the first
recorded examples). What may have been the world's first fairy tale came from
ancient Egypt. Oral communication helped spread the literature, and some myths
appeared in later Roman stories. Collections of assorted texts were deposited
in early examples of libraries, known as houses of life.
The ancient Greeks credited
the Egyptians with many early discoveries in the fields of philosophy, art, and
science. It is clear also that the Greeks benefited from and were influenced by
the achievements of the Egyptians in sculpture and architecture. For example,
early Greek statues of youths, called kouroi, are clearly modeled on
Egyptian statuary, and Greek fluted columns are undeniably similar to columns
constructed in Egypt centuries earlier. The association of certain Greek gods
with Egyptian deities underscores the connection between the two civilizations.
For example, Imhotep, the ancient Egyptian architect and sage who was deified
(elevated to the rank of a god) long after his death, was associated primarily
with medicine in the Hellenistic period and was often identified with
Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine.
The influence of the ancient
Egyptians is even seen today. The obelisk, an architectural feature of many
temples, is still used, as can be seen in the Washington Monument in Washington,
D.C. Other features of Egyptian architecture, such as the temple pylon, figured
relief, and columns, have been used in the last few centuries in the
construction of structures such as museums, mausoleums, office buildings, and
government buildings.
The ancient Egyptians
were masters of the arts of stoneworking and metalworking and the production of
faience and glass. Their products were used throughout the ancient world. Their
understanding of astronomy was very advanced, and this knowledge was passed on
to the generations that followed. Based on their observations of the Sun and
the stars they developed a calendar. Eventually they produced a version of the
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