Capable of performing many functions of the
vacuum tube in electronic circuits, the transistor is a solid-state device
consisting of a tiny piece of semiconducting material, usually germanium or
silicon, to which three or more electrical connections are made. The basic
components of the transistor are comparable to those of a triode vacuum tube and
include the emitter, which corresponds to the heated cathode of the triode tube
as the source of electrons. See Electron.
The transistor was developed at Bell Telephone
Laboratories by the American physicists Walter Houser Brattain, John Bardeen,
and William Bradford Shockley. For this achievement, the three shared the 1956
Nobel Prize in physics. Shockley is noted as the initiator and director of the
research program in semiconducting materials that led to the discovery of this
group of devices; his associates, Brattain and Bardeen, are credited with the
invention of an important type of transistor.
The electrical properties of a semiconducting
material are determined by its atomic structure. In a crystal of pure germanium
or silicon, the atoms are bound together in a periodic arrangement forming a
perfectly regular diamond-cubic lattice (see Crystal). Each atom in the
crystal has four valence electrons, each of which interacts with the electron of
a neighboring atom to form a divalent bond. Because the electrons are not free
to move, the pure crystalline material acts, at low temperatures, as an
Germanium or silicon crystals containing
small amounts of certain impurities can conduct electricity even at low
temperatures. Such impurities function in the crystal in either of two ways. An
impurity element, such as phosphorus, antimony, or arsenic, is called a donor
impurity because it contributes excess electrons. This group of elements has
five valence electrons, only four of which enter into divalent bonding with the
germanium or silicon atoms. Thus, when an electronic field is applied, the
remaining electron in donor impurities is free to move through the crystalline
In contrast, impurity elements, such as
gallium and indium, have only three valence electrons, lacking one to complete
the interatomic-bond structure within the crystal. Such impurities are known as
acceptor impurities because these elements accept electrons from neighboring
atoms to satisfy the deficiency in valence-bond structure. The resultant
deficiencies, or so-called holes, in the structure of neighboring atoms, in
turn, are filled by other electrons. These holes behave as positive charges,
appearing to move under an applied voltage in a direction opposite to that of
the electrons.
A germanium or silicon crystal, containing
donor-impurity atoms, is called a negative, or n-type, semiconductor to indicate
the presence of excess negatively charged electrons. The use of an acceptor
impurity produces a positive, or p-type, semiconductor, so called because of the
presence of positively charged holes.
A single crystal containing both n-type and
p-type regions may be prepared by introducing the donor and acceptor impurities
into molten germanium or silicon in a crucible at different stages of crystal
formation. The resultant crystal has two distinct regions of n-type and p-type
material, and the boundary joining the two areas is known as an n-p junction.
Such a junction may be produced also by placing a piece of donor-impurity
material against the surface of a p-type crystal or a piece of acceptor-impurity
material against an n-type crystal and applying heat to diffuse the impurity
atoms through the outer layer.
When an external voltage is applied, the n-p
junction acts as a rectifier, permitting current to flow in only one direction
(see Rectification). If the p-type region is connected to the positive
terminal of a battery and the n-type to the negative terminal, a large current
flows through the material across the junction. If the battery is connected in
the opposite manner, as shown in the diagram in Fig. 1, current does not
In the transistor, a combination of two
junctions may be used to achieve amplification. One type, called the n-p-n
junction transistor, consists of a very thin layer of p-type material between
two sections of n-type material, arranged in a circuit as shown in Fig. 2. The
n-type material at the left of the diagram is the emitter element of the
transistor, constituting the electron source. To permit the forward flow of
current across the n-p junction, the emitter has a small negative voltage with
respect to the p-type layer, or base component, that controls the electron flow.
The n-type material in the output circuit serves as the collector element, which
has a large positive voltage with respect to the base to prevent reverse current
flow. Electrons moving from the emitter enter the base, are attracted to the
positively charged collector, and flow through the output circuit. The input
impedance, or resistance to current flow, between the emitter and the base is
low, whereas the output impedance between collector and base is high. Therefore,
small changes in the voltage of the base cause large changes in the voltage drop
across the collector resistance, making this type of transistor an effective
Similar in operation to the n-p-n type is the
p-n-p junction transistor, which also has two junctions and is equivalent to a
triode vacuum tube. Other types with three junctions, such as the n-p-n-p
junction transistor, provide greater amplification than the two-junction
At its present stage of development, the
transistor is as effective as a vacuum tube, both of which can amplify to an
upper limit of about 1000 megahertz. Among the advantages of the transistor are
its small size and very small power requirements. In contrast to the vacuum
tube, it does not need power for heating the cathode. Therefore, transistors
have replaced most vacuum-tube amplifiers in light, portable electronic
equipment, such as airborne navigational aids and the control systems of guided
missiles, in which weight and size are prime considerations (see
Navigation). Commercial applications include very small hearing aids and
compact portable radio and television receivers. In addition, transistors have
completely replaced vacuum tubes in electronic computers, which require a great
many amplifiers.
Transistors are also used in miniaturized
diagnostic instruments, such as those used to transmit electrocardiograph,
respiratory, and other data from the bodies of astronauts on space flights
(see Space Exploration). Nearly all transmitting equipment used in
space-exploration probes employs transistorized circuitry. Transistors also aid
in diagnosing diseases. Miniature radio transmitters using transistors can also
be implanted in the bodies of animals for ecological studies of feeding habits,
patterns of travel, and other factors. A recent commercial application is the
transistorized ignition system in automobiles.
During the late 1960s a new electronic
technique, the integrated circuit, began to replace the transistor in complex
electronic equipment. Although roughly the same size as a transistor, an
integrated circuit performs the function of 15 to 20 transistors. A natural
development from the integrated circuit in the 1970s has been the production of
medium-, large-, and very large-scale integrated circuits (MSI, LSI, and VLSI),
which have permitted the building of a compact computer, or minicomputer,
containing disk storage units and the communication-control systems on the same
The so-called microprocessor, which came into
use in the mid-1970s, is a refinement of the LSI. As a result of further
miniaturization, a single microprocessor can incorporate the functions of a
number of printed-circuit boards and deliver the performance of the central
processing unit of a much larger computer in a hand-held, battery-powered
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